Evento de Catacion

Evento de Catacion
Esperanza Coffee Shop

Fundación Esperanza Tierra

Esperanza Coffee through its foundation “Esperanza Tierra” is also founder and sponsor of a Rehabilitation Center for alcohol and drug recovery in la Dalia, Matagalpa, where hundreds of young people, children and adults are attended to for free. You can contact us for more information at, presidencia@esperanzacoffee.com or mario@esperanzacoffee.com

Esperanza Coffee a través de su fundación Esperanza Tierra, también es fundadora y patrocinadora de un centro de rehabilitación de alcohólicos y drogadictos en la Dalia, Matagalpa donde se atiende a cientos de jóvenes, jovencitas, niños, y adultos gratuitamente. Para mayor información puede contactarnos al correo, presidencia@esperanzacoffee.com o mario@esperanzacoffee.com o visite nuestra pagina web, www.esperanza.com.ni o www.esperanzacoffee.com


Esperanza Coffee Group is a company fully committed to delivering the Highest Quality Arabica Coffees, with a Strong Commitment on Social and Environmental needs. As such, we have carefully selected the best cooperatives of small farmers whose farms meet the optimal conditions needed for the growing of our specialty coffees.


The largest roasted coffee exporter of Central America, and one of the best brands in the industry around the world; be agents of change for a concientious world.


Guarantee the highest standards of quality in coffee as well as in service, by empowering and developing our employees; to be an example in the industry with our ethics, social and environmental commitment with the poorest communities in the world.

El Mejor Cafe De Nicaragua

"Esperanza Coffee Group S.A. fue fundada en 1966 y esta se ha dedicado al procesamiento y exportación de café Gourmet, contando así con una larga trayectoria y experiencia. Nuestra empresa ha sido pionera en Nicaragua en la promoción y el posicionamiento de nuestro café de especialidad a nivel internacional, supliendo el mismo a un gran número de tostadores de café en diferentes países del mundo, desde Japón, Europa, pero principalmente a tostadores de la mas alta calidad de Café en los Estados Unidos. Entre ellos se encuentran "Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf", "Thanksgiving Coffee", "Starbucks" "Equator Coffee", "Tully´s", "Donkin Donuts y Mitsui.

Esperanza Coffee Group was founded in 1966 and its central focus has been the processing, exports and marketing of Gourmet Coffees. Thus over the years we have accumulated formidable knowledge and experience in the coffee industry. Our company has been the pioneer in the promotion and positioning of our Nicaraguan coffee in the most demanding international markets. We have supplied coffee to "Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf," Thanksgiving Coffee, Starbucks, Donkin Donut, and many more. As such we have positioned our coffees in Japán, Europe and the USA.

